In Loving Memory of Fr. Ron Stone July 19, 1954- December 8, 2023
In Loving Memory of Fr. Ron Stone July 19, 1954- December 8, 2023
There are seven sacraments in the Church: Eucharist, Baptism, Confirmation, Penance or Reconciliation, Matrimony, Anointing of the Sick, and Holy Orders.
Saturday / Sabado 3pm - 4pm or by appointment / o por cita.
Call the Parish Office at (865) 429-5587
Contact Director of Religious Education Gianfranco Della Santina at (865) 429-5587
First Communion and Confirmation Classes held Wednesdays from 6pm - 7:30 pm
This Program is for Adults who wish to become Catholic or wish to learn more about the Catholic faith.
Contact Father David Mary at Holy Cross Parish (865) 429-5587
Please call the Parish Office (865) 429-5587.
Baptism - Parish requires parents and godparents to attend Baptism preparation classes.
Marriage - Diocese of Knoxville require couple to make arrangements at least 6 months in advance of the desired date of Matrimony.
Parishioners of Holy Cross Parish are actively involved in many forms of ministry. Below are links to a brief description of each of the ministries available. If you are interested in participating in any of these ministries and would like more information, please contact the individuals noted on the linked page or call the Parish office at
865-429-5587 for further assistance.
Sacristans – This group of parishioners takes care of cleaning the Sanctuary and Sacristy of the Church, laundering the linens, taking inventory of church supplies, setting the altar for Mass, cleaning up after Mass, may organize holy day colors and decorations, and anything else needed for celebration of the Mass. Keeps all Church items, such as cruets, chalices, linens, oils, processional crosses, and candles in good condition.
Altar Servers – All parishioners (who have received the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist) are invited to serve at the altar in this ministry.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) or Eucharistic Ministers (EM) – This important ministry provides ministers of the Eucharist at the weekend Masses. You must be 16 years of age and have received the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. Some EMs choose to extend their duties as Ministers to the Sick or Homebound. They take Holy Communion once a week to those that can not attend Mass.
Greeters/Ushers – This group of parishioners welcome those joining in celebration at each Mass and attend to the safety and comfort of the congregation.
Ministers of the Word (Lectors) – A rewarding way to participate in our Sunday worship is to proclaim God’s Word as a lector.
Music, Cantors and Choirs – Each weekend Mass has, at least, one person to provide music and the sung parts of the Mass.
We welcome, invite, and encourage your involvement in our parish life groups and organizations. At Holy Cross, we strive to promote a Catholic environment, cultivate a sense of belonging, and foster relationships by building community among all groups.
The Knights are an organization of Catholic men who promote the principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. Knights contribute to the welfare of their parish and communities, and seek to help the needy through financial and volunteer support. Membership in the Knights of Columbus provides the opportunity for wholesome association with congenial companions who are first of all practical Catholic gentlemen.
Through many constructive activities of Christian fraternity, members are enabled to render service to their Church, their country and their fellowman. Catholic men 18 years of age or older interested in joining this organization should contact
Tim Sabin 513-258-5813
Craig Hill 504-400-2776
Join us every second Monday of each Month at 7:00
The objective of the Legion of Mary is the glory of God through the Holiness of it's members developed by prayer and active cooperation in Mary's and the Church's work.
The unit of the Legion of Mary is called a praesidium, which holds a weekly meeting, where prayer is intermingled with reports and discussion. Persons who wish to join the Legion must apply for membership in a Praesidium.
The Legion sees as its priority the spiritual and social welfare of each individual. The members participate in the life of the parish through visitation of families, the sick, both in their homes and in hospitals and through collaboration in every apostolic and missionary undertaking sponsored by the parish. Every legionary is required to carry out a weekly apostolic work in the spirit of faith and in union with Mary.
Please join us every Tuesday after morning Mass / Se reunen los martes despues de la misa.
By reading and reflecting on Sacred Scripture, we join those faithful men and women who have taken God's Word to heart and put it into practice in their lives. We read the Bible within the tradition of the Church to benefit from the holiness and wisdom of all the faithful. What is God saying to me? The Bible does not address only the people from centuries ago in a faraway land. It is addressed to each of us in are own situation. When we read, we need to understand what the text is saying and how the faithful of the past have understood it's meaning. We ask ourselves, What is God saying to me?
Please join us every Thursday at 9:30am with Tom Kane and Father David Mary.
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